Daily Gospel Reflections

Monday, May 5, 2008

May 5 Monday Gospel Reflections on John 16:29-33

Instead of just the Gospel, we'll also be reflecting on the reading for today.

Today's reading is a beautiful fusion with the Gospel. St. Paul "entered the synagogue, and for three months debated boldly with persuasive arguments about the Kingdom of God."

The Gospel on the other hand says, " Behold, the hour is coming and has arrived
when each of you will be scattered to his own home and you will leave me alone."

St. Paul proceeds with the prophesy of Jesus as he continued to stay in the synagogue and preached the Good News with fervor.

The gospel and the reading challenges us to hold fast to our faith and what we believe in the Gospel. There are millions and one ways that will tempt us to leave God alone but this is just a challenge. We have to be conscious with what we say and do always.

Read the gospel and the readings here.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

May 4 Sunday Gospel Reflections on John 17:1-11a

Today's Gospel is a very moving prayer of Jesus to His Father. It's a homage to the power and glorification of God's might. The oneness of Jesus to His Father is also emphasized here.

But more importantly, we get to see how Jesus Christ prays to His Father.

He doesn't demand for anything. He doesn't ask for things...all He has to say are the things that He has done for His Father.

We are also challenged to do this way. I've seen an saying in the street that says "When you pray, don't give God instructions. Report for duty."

At the end of everyday before we go to sleep or anything that we usually do, we ask the Father to bless us in the things that we do. Maybe it's the right time that we tell Him what are doing in His name. Today's world is a very challenging to us Christians so God has continuously challenged us to spread His name in the face of all these obstacles.

Read the gospel and the rest of the readings here.